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Unfortunately, not all requests are in line with our vision and strategy, so sometimes we reject them. When this happens, the status will be changed to Archived and we’ll add a note to let you know that it won’t be delivered.

How we choose what to implement

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  • Product strategy - our long-term strategic vision for the products.
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Custom applications

Sometimes you need functionality that is specific to your needs and not necessarily useful for other customers or in line with Power Factors strategic goals. These special requests are addressed through custom applications, which can be developed by you, using the Greenbyte API, by third-party partners, or by Power Factors for an additional fee. If you are interested in having a custom application built, contact your CSM.
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269 results found

  1. Email specified persons when site access records are created

    Could we please set up a notification to be able to email specified persons when site access records are created. ie one of our Asset managers would like to be emailed when a site access record is created for the wind farm he is responsible for.

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  2. Data Studio - Convenient Time Interval Selector

    In the same way you can conveniently select 'Year' or 'Month' in the 'Analyse - Portfolio' section - you should be able to do the same in 'Data Studio'. Currently you can only select Last 7 Days - Last 30 Days - Last 12 months or Custom Interval.

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  3. Link Site Access to Device Access

    At the end of the day when booking multiple teams off the same site - clicking 'Log Off' on the site access should automatically log off and transfer back control of all active Device Accesses. Otherwise you have to log each device access off first and then the site access.

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  4. Device Access - Log Multiple Device Access at Once

    Add 'Save and Log Device Access' option to all Device Accesses. When logging a Site Access - there is an option at the bottom to 'Save and Log Device Access'. This is very convenient - however if you have multiple teams booking onto different devices at once - there is no 'Save and Log Device Access' in the subsequent 'Device Access' window that appears. Instead you have to 'View' the site access and log the second device access that way which is just wasted additional clicks.

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  5. Device Access - Same technician on multiple devices

    At present you can book a single technician on multiple devices. WTSRs allow only one turbine to be under the control of one AT/team so that proper AWP/ROP procedures are followed. Breeze should not allow users to release multiple turbines under the control of one person.

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  6. Personnel: Upload All Certificates

    Ability to upload all Health & Safety Certs to individual personal with expiry dates as is already the case with inductions.

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  7. Reports: Save As Template/Previous Version

    Add 'Save As' option box beside 'Download' - Edit' and 'Delete' which can save as 'Template' or 'Historical Report'. Currently saving a report as Template can only be down through Support - and there is no way to save historical versions or revisions of reports - They have to be overwritten. It would be beneficial if the 'Save As' function saved the generated PDFs in a separate 'Historical Reports' section.

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  8. Data Studio: Compare different time intervals - i.e. years

    We would like to be able to set up a graph comparing devices or farms values over different years (annaul average values and same month values over different years) - both in data studio and "analyze" dashboard.

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  9. Show devices in the map

    Show other devices (grid meters - pyranometers - met masts - …) in the map.

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  10. API write endpoints for Metadata fields

    We would like to be able to use the API for writing values to metadata fields.

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  11. Status Categorization: Assign task from drop down (same as category)

    Task asignment is somehow impractical. It would be very useful to be able to asign a Task from the Status Categorization window - same as for Contract Category.

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  12. Status Categorization miscelaneous filtering option

    Detailed description
    A few suggestions related to Status Categorization:

    1 - Be able to filter out Status Codes from being displayed. I may not want to see irrelevant status (untwisting) or too frequent status (curtailment) Same as filtering out status with time < xx 1 Add a Task combo to easily apply a Task to a Status Code (same as with Contract Category)

    2 - Bulk Assingment. Add a checkbox next to Status Code so you can select several Status and apply the same configuration at once (Contract Category - Comment)

    3 - When Expanding Status Codes - add a…

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  13. Use calculated variables in Data Studio

    Define calculated variables for analysis in the Data Studio - such as:

    "wind park average value" -
    "average of selected turbines". Note that the "wind park average" option is already available in the "alarms" section.

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  14. Data Studio: Additional features for Dirty Dozen

    When selecting dirty dozen in the data studio - the overview should be maximized so scrolling down is not needed. Secondly - a new feature would be benificial when the posibility is there to click on the error code or message description to zoom in on which turbines this event occured in the selected period.

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  15. Analyze Dashboard: custom interval+zoomable graphs

    Make it possible to set and a custom interval in Analyse Dashboards - in order to review what happened during a specific interval. In addition to the above it would be very usefull if the same zoom functionalities could be used as in Datastudio to zoom into a certain period. This way the user does not have to open each graph seperately in datastudio to do the zoom actions but it can be done directly from the analyses dashboard.

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  16. Export analyses from Data Studio and data export tool as pdf and powerpoints

    Export information analysed on Data Studio and templates in export tool as pdf and powerpoints to save client time

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  17. Automatically switch from OPC into ODBC during no communication with OPC

    At this point the latest status will remain visible in the moitoring screens as soon as OPC communication is lost. But when an ODBC connection exist as a back-up the data is still available (not live but near real in 10 min - interval). It is required that as soon as there will be a communication loss at OPC for more than a certain time frame (30 min.) automatically the ODBC takes over and displays the latest 10 minute values in the monitoring screens. It also will be important to know which data is displayed real or near real data…

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  18. Show names of personnel on site access overview page

    Show names of personnel on site access overview page - so you don't have to hover over them to see the names.

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  19. Personnel: Add the ability to search for personnel with different filters

    I would like to be able to search for personnel by site induction - ie all persons inducted at Wind Farm A. Or search for all persons with Authorised Technician status at Wind Farm A etc.

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  20. Customizable height of external web content widget

    Make the height of an external web content widget customizable. To prevent unnecessary whitespace or unwanted scrolling.

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