Lost Production to Other/Wind Speed
Deviation from budget is explained by Wind Speed - Performance - Downtime - Data Availability and Unexplained. Breeze currently calculates Performance and Downtime - it would be very helpful for it to be able to show the remaining deviation (which can be labelled as Lost Production to Wind Speed and/or Lost Production to Other). Deviation due to Wind Speed can be calculated in a number of ways - some of which are very simple e.g. difference between budget and theoretical. On a monthly and yearly level as a minimum.
Instead of this solution, we are building the capability to break down losses into various categories like shading, soiling, electrical losses, tracker issues, combiner box issues, turbine component failures, etc.
We believe that this information is more relevant and actionable, so we have moved away from focusing on breaking down losses in relation to forecasted figures.
However, we are in the process of building a feature which provides the deviation from the forecasted figures; for example deviation between actual and forecasted irradiation.