Data Studio: Export to Excel or CSV format · Planned
Data exports - change default setting for file type
Make it possible to set heatmap upper and lower limits in Data Studio · Accepting Votes
Allow API permissions that limit the period of data that can be accessed · Accepting Votes
API: Limit data tags and devices with API key · Delivered
Export data: add the option to edit existing exports · Accepting Votes
Data Studio: Compare the Power Curves per Wind Sector · Delivered
Display separately the power curves of a same turbine in the reports (and data studio) · Archived
Add the counter data for particle count as it already exists for Energy export · Archived
Export Data: Device Access - Site access and Task Records to Excel · Archived
Data Studio: Set the Rotation of the Timestamp in the graph · Archived
Make it possible to use MERRA-2 wind data in Greenbyte · Accepting Votes
We would like to have an easy way to download data that can be manipulated in a different sowtware (e.g. Excel). · Archived
Enable users to specify "data start time" for purpose of comparison to budget · Archived
If no energy data from the inverters - ability to calculate PR or availability from the power values integrated over time · Delivered
Change the density adjusted wind speed in Power curve analyzer in Data studio as a setting instead of Default
Alert: enable a paramater for the % of past data that meets the rules before triggering · Archived
Export/share PREDICT incidence · Archived
Remove pageSize limitation or set it to none by default · Archived
API: Read task with the api · Delivered