Degraded operation formula for contractual time based availability
When an turbine implies degraded operation instead of complete shutdown (not full power when it can) the degraded operation factor shall be classified as degraded downtime for the relevant degraded Wind turbine and in accordance with the availability formula.
Example: Turbine A is operating with cooling issues, therefore the turbine can operate but not on full power, meaning it is curtailed out of safety. In normal operation the turbine is able to produce 4Mw, due to the temperature issue it can now only produce 2Mw. This means that for the time of degraded operation, the turbine availability is 50% instead of 100%.
This contractual formula for Degraded operation cannot be implemented in Breeze to the Time-Based contractual availability right now.
I would really like to see this implemented in Breeze so it can calculate the availability conform contract.