Status categorization / Status log: improve grouping / splitting meachnism
(1) Ignore warnings in the grouping/splitting meachnism. The most issues we have right now with grouping/splitting are related to warnings - as a stop can not be split if there is a warning in the period.
(2) Auto-split status groups when there is a change in the availablity category (as this is the normal use case for splitting - e.g. if the turbine has an error (unavailable) after a planned grid shut down or maintenance (available).
(3) Auto-split in certain special cases. E.g. Nordex 920 (icing status) change to 921 (MET Ice detection alarm finished) - WT remains stopped and is ready for manual siting ispection/reset. in this case the group must be auto-split - while the category is the same (icing).
(4) Allow grouping even if there is an OK-Status in between groups without manually adding a Stop-status.
(5) Ignore OK-Statuses shorter than x minutes (x should be the typical WT run up time - e.g. 3 minutes). This would avoid Breeze splitting up the status group e.g. when a test run is carried out during maintenance.
Eric van Middendorp commented
Very good points!
Remark to point 2: Meanwhile there might be a filter option within the status categorization to show only grouped status events for a selected period. This will allow a quite easy check to the grouped events instead of going through the complete event list. Certainly when the wind farm exist of quite a lot of wind turbines and grouping of different contract categories is often taking place.
Flora Niess commented
I would like to add a suggestion regarding the split mechanism:
(6) Allow manual splitting of a status even if the status is "Active". This is inconvenient for us as we have to wait until the end of the event (so sometimes several weeks) to be able to properly categorize it, or to allow production loss calculation on the first days/weeks of the stop.
AdminMats Johansson (Admin, Greenbyte) commented
1) It's now possible to disregard warnings in the grouping mechanism. Please reach out to CSM if you stil experience problems with this.